Shocking Experiences from People Who Woke Up During Surgery

Thinking You’re Getting a Massage during Foot Surgery

Foot surgeries have the same effect as other surgeries involving other body parts. You wake up and have a peculiar feeling that something has happened to you. You may also wake up feeling disillusioned about your surroundings and wondering who the people around you are and where they came from. This person underwent a foot surgery procedure and had conscious sedation and local anesthesia injection on their foot for the surgery. They felt super chilled out when the anesthesia was administered. 

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This person also woke up during the surgery asking the doctors if they could see what was happening to his foot. But the doctor said blankly, “no, go back to sleep,” and was put back to sleep with anesthesia. They woke up immediately after the surgery and were transferred to the recovery room. 

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