Shocking Experiences from People Who Woke Up During Surgery

This Wasn’t The First Time They Woke up During Surgery

Before going in for any surgery, it would be good to inform the doctors to administer more anesthesia and keep you asleep if you know you have the redhead gene that makes anesthesia less effective. This is the case of a person who went in for a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) repair surgery, woke up midway through, looked at the doctor right in the eye, and lifted an arm tapping the face mask. 

Photo courtesy of Reddit

The doctor noticed this and nodded that the patient should be sedated. Immediately after that was done, this patient went back to sleep again. They said this was not their first experience waking up in the middle of a surgery. Hence they try to warn doctors when they have to perform a surgery to increase the anesthesia requirement to keep them asleep through the procedure. 

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