Any Movie Fan Can Recite These Iconic Unforgettable Lines

You Can’t Handle This Line

Colonel Jessep said the iconic line below in the movie “A Few Good Men.” Daniel Kaffee, a US military lawyer, defends two marines. The Marines are charged with the murder of a fellow marine at Guantanamo Bay Naval base in Cuba. The film is an American legal drama based on Aaron Sorkin’s 1989 play.

SOURCE: Reddit/@Fndmefndu

So, how did the line “you can’t handle the truth” happen? Here is an excerpt of the conversation:

LT Kaffee: Colonel Jessep, did you order the code red? 

Judge Randolf: You don’t have to answer that question.

Col. Jessep: I’ll answer the questions. Do you want answers? 

LT Kaffee: I think I’m entitled to them.

Col. Jessep: You want answers? 

LT: I want the truth!

Col. Jessep: You can’t handle the truth!

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