Any Movie Fan Can Recite These Iconic Unforgettable Lines

We’ve Always Wanted to Say This

“Midnight Cowboy” was initially released with an X-rating when it first hit American cinemas. When it won the Academy Awards, it was the first X-rated film to have won. The film follows the story of Joe Buck, who was a male prostitute from Texas. 

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One of the film’s most famous scenes is when Joe Buck and Ratso Rizzo are walking down the street, and Rizzo is almost hit by a cab. He then hits the front of the cab and yells, “I’m walking here.” There we have it! Forty-five unforgettable lines from movies. Many of these lines come from older movies, proving the point that old wine tastes better. Many movie lines have resonated with us; unfortunately, we can only do 45 for now. We hope you enjoyed our list! 

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