These Twyla Mae Graphics Recreate Iconic Lines from Your Favorite Sitcoms

Seinfeld- The Pen (S03E03)

This illustration created by Twyla shows Elaine and Jerry discussing the days left to leave Florida. The episode begins with Jerry and Elaine traveling to Florida to visit Jerry’s parents. However, Elaine injures her back on the mattress, causing a lot of pain. She’s also extremely uncomfortable because Jerry’s parents won’t turn on the air conditioner. Jerry tries to console her, saying they will leave in two days. Morty gives Elaine muscle relaxants to reduce the pain, and a different fight ensues over Jerry’s pen.

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The episode is funny because Elaine takes the wrong relaxant and starts acting strangely at Morty’s ceremony. Jerry also wears dark sunglasses at dinner because of his black eyes. The dinner turns into a fight when Jack insults Morty at the podium over the pen. It ends with Jack suing Morty, Elaine getting five extra days to stay back in Florida because of her back, and Evelyn offers to help Morty with the lawsuit. 

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