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The Office- Money (S04E04)

“Money” is about Ryan Howard, who returns to the Pennsylvania branch of Dunder Mifflin for the first time after getting promoted to the corporate headquarters. Before that, everyone in the company thought he was too young and inexperienced to be respected. Despite appearing more grown-up and professional when he comes to the office, many still do not seem to respect him. He, however, comes with an initiative termed “Dunder Mifflin Infinity,” his plan to revive the company with new technology. 

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Michael Scott becomes happy because he will get a new phone. Creed Bratton warns him that the program is fake. Also, others n the company do not seem to welcome the technology and try to counter it with every possible means. The episode is funny because Michael pretends to misinterpret his rental car’s GPS directions and drives into Lake Scranton on purpose to further prove that new technology is useless. After all, it tried to kill him.

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