These Twyla Mae Graphics Recreate Iconic Lines from Your Favorite Sitcoms

Schitt’s Creek- Town For Sale (S01E13)

In this episode, the Roses have a potential new buyer of the town. They fantasize about their new life but can’t do anything until Andy Roberts signs the dotted line. Alexis and David try to resolve the relationships they formed in Schitt’s Creek before leaving. It is the finale of the first season and a favorite of many fans.

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Despite wanting to leave the small town so badly, David and Alexis realize they learned to love it. They have become attached to the town and have to stay a little longer when the sale falls through. However, David runs away from his feelings, and Alexis is stuck in an awkward situation in her relationship. This illustration depicts Moira’s reaction when she finds out their potential buyer is in a coma.

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