Get Ready To Laugh Out Loud With These Unbelievably Stupid Mistakes

German scientist Albert Einstein famously said, “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not so sure about the former.” Whether that’s a catastrophic fall in public or an unintentionally offensive comment you wish you hadn’t said, you probably have one embarrassing moment you’ll never forget about. Some are so haunting they come to you when you’re getting ready to fall asleep. Oftentimes, these humiliating episodes go unnoticed, and only you remember them in detail. Another positive aspect is they tend to happen without many people looking. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about the stupid mistakes you’re about to see. From calling a squirrel a reptile to making disastrous spelling mistakes, here are some hilarious ones that went viral.

This person can’t grasp the concept of a national holiday

American Independence Day is a big deal, with many people hanging flags and treating themselves to a tasty BBQ. The fact that your ancestors declared themselves independent from the English crown should certainly be celebrated. Also, the 4th July fireworks are impressive.

Image courtesy of Reddit

However, this Reddit user appears to be a little puzzled by the concept of national holidays. The person who commented below had to break it to them that there’s no reason why Brazilians or Indians should join in with the celebration of another country.

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