Being a perfectionist in this world is hard. It is as if everything around us is designed to trigger our OCD tendencies. Wherever we may look, we only see messes ready to be cleaned up. It also feels like there are people prepared to set us off. People who know that seeing something out of place is like torture for us. As we said, being perfectionists, we must be prepared to be annoyed for every little detail that isn’t as it should be. If it were up to us, we would organize everything. Here are some examples of people who had no sense of order or organization. These photos would drive any perfectionist mad.
Why even bother?
Since we were little, we were taught to paint INSIDE the lines. I was pretty good at it. You have an outline from where you should not get out. Guidelines are a perfectionist’s best friend. Stay on them; everyone will be happy.
So, what happened in this picture? Everything was set in a specific order. Ready to be put in its place. It isn’t that hard. If you have a guide, you should always follow it. It would seem it was even made out of spite. But why would you even want to get back at order itself? Are you an agent of chaos? If so, don’t step into my kitchen.