Redditors Share Their Bizarre, Spooky, Spine-Chilling Camping Experiences

There are annoying neighbors everywhere

Going to sleep-away camp is a great experience for kids to meet new friends, enjoy the outdoors, and get away from their everyday life. You expect a refreshing and fun camp trip, but suddenly, it’s around midnight and you feel someone staring at you while you sleep. You wake up to find a strange girl looking at you and murmuring strange things.

Image Courtesy: reddit/@ZucchiniOpening3511

While you may try to brush it off by thinking it is just a case of sleepwalking, to your utter shock, that girl never sleepwalked and had no idea what you were saying! Could you be hallucinating? Could she be possessed? We don’t blame that poor counselor for leaving because we would have done the same if it happened to us!

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