Redditors Share Their Bizarre, Spooky, Spine-Chilling Camping Experiences

Leach on eyeball: A story that’ll make you clench your eyelids

What’s the worst thing about camping in marshy lands? Is it the humidity? Is it the constant fear of any open wound getting infected? Or is it the fauna? What about the animals and insects seeking your blood, be it the pesky mosquitoes or the stubborn leeches?

Image Courtesy: Reddit/@Nice_Raccoon_5320

Well, while a leach alone does not make for a stomach-churning story, having one on your eyeball certainly does. What’s strange about it was that this person didn’t even feel the leach under his eye; he thought it was a normal puffy eye, but the crawling out and the bleeding from the eyes enough to soak 14 tissues was enough to convince us to sleep with our glasses on for extra safety!

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