Everyone has soap lying around; just look in your bathroom, kitchen, and even garage and you will find a bottle of liquid or bar soap. Did you know that soap has many uses other than washing and cleaning? Next time you are in a fix, who knows? Soap might be all you need to sort things out. Imagine going to the restroom, only for your zipper to get stuck. I am sure it wouldn’t even occur to you to use liquid soap to grease your zipper. Try it, it works! A little drop and that zipper will move faster than the flash! There are several other soap hacks you probably had no idea existed. This article will teach you how soap can help you in your everyday life so that you can use them when you are in a bind. Stay tuned!

Find Holes in Your Tires
Does your tire keep going flat even when you inflate it? Do you suspect an air leak but can’t find it? Use soap! It’s a very simple process, and you can use liquid or bar soap. To use bar soap, lather it up with some water. For the liquid soap, pour a few drops into a bowl and mix until bubbles form.

To find the leaks, remove the tire and inflate it. When completely full, pour a few drops of liquid soap in a basin of water until foamy, or lather up your bar soap in a basin of water. Dip the tire in the soapy water and take it out. (elemergente.com) Bubbles should form instantly at the sight of the leak as air quickly escapes from there. This makes it very easy to find leaks and repair them instantly.