These Iconic and Beautiful Movie Scenes Were Recreated Using Legos

2001 A Space Odyssey: A trek through space and time

One of Stanley Kubrick’s finest works, “2001: A Space Odyssey,” was released in 1968. Based on the work of renowned sci-fi author Arthur C. Clarke, this movie is a masterpiece considering the elements that were mixed in the story of the film with respect to the development of science at that time.

Image Courtesy of Flickr/Alex Eylar

When Dr. Dave Bowman and his crew encounter unusual behavior from their spaceship’s computer system called HAL, they set out on a thrilling space adventure. The constant tug of war between humans and machines led to a handful of intense moments, some of which were so cinematically refined that they are iconically remembered in cinema history. Such a scene is replicated with just a few plastic blocks.

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