These Iconic and Beautiful Movie Scenes Were Recreated Using Legos

American Beauty: “It’s hard to stay mad when there’s so much beauty in the world”

Directed by Sam Mendes, “American Beauty” is a psychological dark comedy-drama released in 1999. It was widely acclaimed by critics from all over the world who loved the movie’s satirical approach to the emotionally traumatized life of Lester Burnham, an advertising executive having a mid-life crisis.

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The movie has a recurrent scene of Lester’s teenage daughter’s friend Angela surrounded by roses or lying naked, covered completely by roses. This sexual fantasy became one of the posters for the movie. The roses covering Angela symbolize Lester’s desire for her, also depicted in this LEGO recreation. The movie revolves around dysfunctional families, traumas, and a little sprinkle of humor here and there. It is a classic, just like this LEGO scene.

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