These Hilarious and Cringe Worthy Reddit Roasts Will Make Anyone Crack Up

A roast- not the sizzle of pork ribs on an open fire in your backyard on a hot Sunday afternoon or the slight charring of steak on a coal grill when camping with the guys; it is the complete obliteration of a person’s character, features or appearance as a joke. For some odd reason, it has become a trend for random people on Reddit to request roasts. Yes! Several people are being humiliated, insulted, and dissed for fun! And guess what? They like it! Some even come back for more. With over two million people worldwide following this trend, it doesn’t seem to be slowing down or ending any time soon. ( I am sure you are shocked and trying fervently to figure out why anyone would put themselves through that kind of humiliation, but who knows? It is all for laughs, attention, or just a need to interact, but I would definitely take offense at some of the comments if I were in their place. Some of these comments will scorch your skin and leave a mark on your soul because of their burn. But if they love it and keep coming for second helpings, who are we to complain? This piece is here to bring you the latest form of entertainment. Reddit’s latest roast, r/Roastme! And guess what? No one is spared. They asked for a roast, and we will try our best to give them one. Are you ready to hold back tears from laughing your guts out? Or wince from the complete burn felt by a total stranger on the internet. You may even feel sorry for some, but remember they asked for it.

Maybe Jack Escaped the Titanic

We all saw Jack sink after the shipwreck on Titanic. There is no way he survived that, and even if he did, he wouldn’t look this young. Would he? Someone needs to tell Leonardo DiCaprio that someone stole his face! The resemblance isn’t in the smile alone; just look at the eyes!

Photo courtesy of Reddit

This isn’t a burn though, more like a slight singe, but I am sure he felt it since his finger is indeed broken. Does this pass the burn mark? With over 400 upvotes, I think several people agree that this man survived the Titanic somehow.

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