For those who don’t know, “mansplaining” is much more than a word. It involves a deep meaning; it is a type of behavior in which one person tries to explain a specific topic to another. The issue is clearly not there; the problem is that the explanation is usually given by a man to a woman. This kind of speech even happens when the woman receiving the explanation is a specialist on the subject that the man is trying to explain. It looks like a tongue twister, right? But it is not! It is nothing more and nothing less than a way of wanting to demonstrate intellectual superiority. Now that we know the definition of “mansplaining,” we can laugh a little about the anecdotes of women who have shared their experiences.

The grass is getting harder
It is widespread for people to think that it is difficult for women to know how to use certain products. Not to mention a lawnmower… We don’t want to hurt anyone’s sensibilities, but believe it or not; women know how to use all kinds of machines and products. And if they don’t know how to do it, they learn because utilizing a lawnmower doesn’t require a lot of science, guys.

This situation is so ridiculous that it causes laughter. A man explained to a woman that the lawnmower was not working because the grass was wet, even when the woman was with the lawnmower on the asphalt. Starting an explanation even before considering the context can go very wrong.