Frustrated Husbands Shared Their Wives’ Hilarious Pranks

Have you ever heard a married person say that they’ve married their best friend? We certainly have. When you deeply love someone and spend your days with them, they become more than your spouse, they turn into your confidant and closest friend. And what do friends love the most? Pranks! In a healthy relationship, it’s always important to keep the spark alive. So most married couples like to play little practical jokes on each other to build trust in the relationship and have a wholesome laugh at their partner’s expense. We love to see these people having a great time in their marriage, and since you can find thousands of funny and clever pranks wives pulled on their husbands on the internet, here are some of our favorite ones.

Mismatch every pair of socks

If you’re a stay-at-home spouse, you know how hard it is to keep everything tidy and clean. More often than not, your partner will underestimate your everyday workload. But you can copy this wife’s trick to teach them a lesson.

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So, if your husband or wife ever tells you they don’t think staying at home is a real job, you can bring a little chaos to their daily routine by mismatching their socks. Now, they’ll understand your fundamental role in running the home.

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