What Inspired Them? Guinness World Records That Could Make You Question The Holder’s Sanity

Guinness World Records are known to be amazing and almost unachievable feats. You may not know that several records won’t make you smile in admiration. Some would make you wonder what inspired the holder; others are downright bizarre and cringe-worthy. (https://thediscerningcat.com) We’ve scoured the internet to bring you the five most bizarre Guinness World Records.

It’s not about the flatness; can your stomach do this?

Suresh P. and Prabhakar Reddy P. Suresh from India made the record for the most watermelons chopped on the stomach in a minute. In 2020, Suresh P. got 64 watermelons cut open on his stomach by his master, Prabhakar P. Suresh.

Courtesy: YouTube

Prabhakar P. Suresh practiced for almost one year before using Suresh P’s stomach as a makeshift chopping board. The record would probably remain unbroken for a while- thinking of smashing the smallest watermelon on one’s stomach is weird enough.

Who knew a toy could be of such significance?

Beth Johnson from Ohio made the largest yo-yo in the world, which weighed more than 2,095 kg and measured 11ft 10.6 inches. She built this magnificent yo-yo in 2012. Of course, it took him a long time to complete it.

Courtesy: GuinnessWorldRecords

Making the super-large yo-yo took Beth over a year and six months. This yo-yo can no longer be called a toy because it is larger than what anyone would want to play with. What could have motivated her? Loneliness or boredom?

Wow! What an unexpected career

Berne Barker bagged the record for being the oldest male stripper in the world at 62. The former real estate agent became a stripper in 2000 at 60. He made the Guinness world record in 2002.

Bernie Barker the Oldest Male Stripper
Courtesy: DailyStar

Berne became a stripper to get back in shape after recovering from prostate cancer. If imagining an older citizen dancing at a strip club isn’t bizarre, we don’t know what is. Sadly, Berne died about five years later.

Technically, they’ve outgrown their function

Lee Redmond from America set the Guinness world record for the longest nails worldwide. She set the record in 2008– the length of her nails was 28ft 4 inches. That’s longer than the hair on most people’s heads!

Lee Redmond (USA) had the longest fingernails ever. They reached a total length of 8.65m (28ft 4.5in) in 2008. Lee lost her nails in an automobile accident in 2009
Courtesy: DailyStar

She started growing her nails in 1979; the length of the record-making fingernail took about 30 years. It seems admirable until you think of how impossible it would be to do anything with the curved, hideous-looking nails.

The polar bear in human form

Valerjan Romanovski from Poland holds the title for having the longest body contact with ice. In 2022, he set the world record for spending 3 hours and 28 minutes fully covered in ice. It’s both weird and scary to think of.

Longest duration full body contact with ice
Courtesy: GuinnessWorldRecords

According to Valerjan, he bathed in cold water at home and trained in ice, freezing air, and in icy water. He spent up to 90 minutes on ice while training and practiced sleeping in the chamber before the record. Polar bears have nothing on him!

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