These Strange Designs will Instantly Make you Want to unsee Them as Quickly as Possible

Art and designs are beautiful. Humans need art to thrive, at least emotionally and intellectually. Time and time again, it has been proven by scientific research and practically verified that our mind tends to find designs and patterns that are more symmetric and geometrically balanced, more pleasing and up lifting. What’s surprising is that patterns, as neglected as they might be, are an important factor that affects how and what we feel. Also, these visual arrangements that we call ‘patterns’ induce certain feelings like happiness, joy, and confidence in our minds. However, some designs are unattractive and even ‘ugly’ to some extent. We wonder what has gone through people’s minds when designing certain objects, structures, and art pieces. Here is a collection of such not very pleasant designs featured on the @uglydesign Instagram; while some of these might just make you frown a little at their strangeness, some might just even make you want to throw up.

Anti-Seatbelts: Seatbelts that weren’t very safe

We usually associate seatbelts with car safety. No matter how much we hate it when these seatbelts ruin our well-ironed shirts, it is always smart and safe to wear a seatbelt whenever one is driving. Even laws endorse wearing a seatbelt, and in many countries, you might get fined if you don’t! With all these notations, one might wonder you probably can’t screw up the design of the seatbelt; it was created to protect, right? Wrong!

Image Courtesy: Instagram/@uglydesign

This ’60s design of the seatbelt clearly shows how flawed the early designs were, both visually and theoretically. For one, nobody wants to drive across with a strap across their neck ruining the collars of their shirt, and two, if one does end up in an accident, all the pressure will be countered right from the neck, which means either you might end up breaking your neck and die or suffer serious injuries. 

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