Annabelle Was a Real Doll and Somehow More Terrifying Than the Films Made Her Out to Be

If you’re familiar with The Conjuring films then you’re familiar with the creepy, raggedy doll known as Annabelle. We’ll skip right to the point: the doll is real and the real-life doll is somehow creepier than the movie one, and we have the reasons why so let’s get started. 

The real-life Annabelle doll is a Raggedy Ann doll. And we don’t know about you, but Raggedy Ann dolls always looked like they had an agenda (it’s probably those black abyss-like eyes) but now that we know there exists a possessed one, we’re sure of it. They’re out to get us.

(image via: nhr)

You’ll be relieved to know that the real-life Raggedy Ann/Annabelle doll is not kept in a giant glass case. No. She’s kept in one made mostly out of wood. We don’t need the details, we just know that she’s demonic enough to need her own case. And yes, there really is a “Positively Do Not Touch” sign on her. And you do not have to worry about us ever wanting to touch her.

The real Annabelle doll is on display at the Warren’s Occult Museum and decades ago a visitor ignored all of the warnings and banged on the doll’s box and it was reported he died in a motorcycle crash shortly after. Coincidence? Probably, but we aren’t willing to find out. 

Prayers are performed regularly by a priest to bless the area in the room where the doll is kept and we don’t know how we feel about that. 

Lorraine Warren said she didn’t like staring at the doll because it had done a lot of bad harm on a lot of people and you certainly don’t need to tell us twice, we could guess just based on vibes alone. In fact, Ed and Lorrain’s daughter Judy said she never looked the doll in the eyes, and uh, us either. (  

Let’s toss it over to Lorraine one more time, she once said that the evil living within or attached to Annabelle needs a body to go into and if you’re vulnerable, you could be just the body. We do not volunteer as tribute.

(image via: the times)

Now to their son-in-law, who once said that even though he is aware that the museum is full of objects that are haunted, it’s Annabelle who he finds the most terrifying. 

Here is a little backstory on Annabelle, the doll was given as a birthday gift to a young student nurse Donna from her mom back in 1970, but not long after she received the doll, strange things started happening. So many strange things, like the doll changing positions and moving to different areas of the house, that Donna and her roommate contacted a medium to hold a seance. At the seance, the roommates learned that a young girl named Annabelle Higgins used to reside on the property prior to apartment buildings going up, but had died at the age of 7.

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