Super Fans Give Super Weird Gifts: The Creepiest Things Celebrities Have Received From Their Fans

Fans go to many lengths to show their favorite celebrities how much their art means to them. Since most of these celebrities can afford to buy themselves whatever they want, fans often make it a point to send gifts with a more personal touch. But some of these gifts end up being slightly weird or even scary. These are five of the creepiest things fans have sent celebrities.

How famous is your fave’s face?

We’ve heard of people tattooing their favorite artist’s face on different body parts to show their loyalty and admiration. We all know that Taylor Swift’s fans are very loyal, and this gift proves it to the highest level.

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The beloved singer revealed in a 2018 interview that she got a big turtle with her face painted on its shell. It’s art and a new pet! You’ll agree with us that this gift beats any other body tattoo, any day, any time.

Only weird gifts suit a weirdo

While some celebrities are calm and cute, others are weird and crazy, so it makes sense that fans gift each celebrity according to their unique personality. But, even then, everyone so, this gift crossed the line.

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A loyal fan sent Jared Leto an ear; we’re talking about a real human ear. Not only is this gift weird, but it’s the type of gift that you’d call the police over. Surprisingly, Jared wore the ear as jewelry.

This gift has to be the most unfathomable

Although many weird gifts still point to one reason or the other, there are some that we just can’t understand. This gift that Harry Styles received in his One Direction days belongs to the second category.

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The former boy band member disclosed that a fan once sent him a sanitary pad. What’s worse is that the pad had his name written on it. We hope it was written in ink.

Well, they were trying to help their fave

When it comes to their favorite celebrities, there is hardly any detail that fans miss. So, it was no secret that Robert Pattinson was always chewing on toothpicks to help himself quit smoking.

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Of course, his dedicated fans saw a window to show their support- and they overdid it. The “Twilight” star revealed that he was overwhelmed with fans giving him more toothpicks. They were giving him toothpicks at every event he attended!

Shark tales

Speaking of gifts that celebrities can’t relate to, this one has to be the best example. While the Jonas Brothers were an object of love and admiration in their heyday, this fan’s gift is one they can’t ever forget.

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These guys got a dead shark from a fan- who wouldn’t be creeped out by that? The dead baby shark was preserved in a tube just for them. The singers were even more worried about where the fan got the baby shark.

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