Different Ways You Can Celebrate Women’s Day All Year Round

Today is International Women’s Day and while we love the idea of taking a day to celebrate women, we’re firm believers that women should be celebrated each and every day, all year long. So we’ve come up with a list of ways we can all pay homage to the brilliant, fearless, and determined women we are and those we know. 

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Advocate for gender equality in the workplace. It’s no secret that in far too many companies women and men are not treated equally for doing the same amount of work for jobs that require the same amount of education. Policies to check out include parental leave, flexible scheduling, and programs designed to help women advance in leadership roles. 

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Study women’s history. You know what they say, if you don’t know your history, you’re doomed to repeat it. And we can’t think of a better way to get inspired to smash the patriarchy than learning about the women that have paved the way for us this far. 

Write a letter to a woman who has inspired you. 

Start a women’s book club. Sometimes the best way we can understand another woman’s struggles is through storytelling; not only does a book club allow you to read about strong women overcoming, but it will also give you a wonderful opportunity to talk with other women about their perceptions of the story at hand. 

(image via: unsplash

Support a non-profit. Find a local or larger scale charity that works to support women or girls in need and donate what you can, be it time or money. 

Support woman-owned businesses. Supporting women-owned businesses is a great way to support women and your local community. We challenge you to challenge your friends to do the same! 

Make sure you’re registered to vote. 

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Watch TED-Talks for, by, and about women. If you’re needing a little extra inspiration, you can never go wrong with TED Talks, put them on while you’re getting ready for the day or while you’re on your daily commute to learn about what women are doing in a number of fields. 

Participate politically. Devote some time to finding a topic that means a lot to you and start reaching out to your local representatives to voice your thoughts and/or concerns. 

Sign up to be a mentor with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. If you’re looking for a way to have a strong and positive impact on upcoming generations of women, then look no further than this wonderful organization.

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