Are You the Friend Always Late To Their Appointments and Work? These Hilarious Memes Are Made for You

“I’m sorry, the traffic today was terrible.” How often do you use that excuse to avoid being chastised for staying a few more minutes in bed, scrolling through social media, or grabbing iced coffee? We bet that you can’t even count them. But, hey, don’t feel guilty about it! We aren’t here to judge you. We all know someone who is always late, and these five memes prove that you aren’t the only one always running behind. So, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy a hell of a chuckle ride!

The Snooze Button of Doom

When you hit the snooze button of your first alarm, you tell yourself that you’ll wake up the next time it rings. However, you can’t fool anyone with that little lie because we all know that you stay in bed longer than you should!

Image courtesy of Pinterest

You probably look exactly like this cat every morning! Yes, we understand that going to the office is the worst part of your day, but what can you do? It’s something all adults must endure to survive in this sick, capitalistic world.

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