You Wouldn’t Believe These Happened Behind The Scenes of Your Favorite Movies and TV Shows

The movies and television shows we see are the result of many stories. Many of these behind-the-scene happenings are as interesting as the movies themselves. From scary incidents that make us think a film is a real-life tragedy to hilarious moments that are simply unbelievable, there are many of them. Here are the funniest and craziest incidents on the set of popular movies.

Filming “Titanic” could have been a real tragedy

The sad story of the “Titanic” movie almost found its way into reality. While filming, people had to rush most of the cast and crew members to the hospital around 1 am. (Klonopin) Doesn’t that sound like the movie playing out?

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Someone had poisoned the cast and crew members with clam chowder that had PCP in it. A crew member said there was a rumor that a displeased, dismissed chef was responsible for the poisoning. They must have been terrified at the time.

Looking like the Grinch was far more challenging than acting like him

If you’ve seen “How The Grinch Stole Christmas,” you already know it must have taken a lot to make Grinch look like that. Well, you have no idea. Jim Carrey went through a daily makeup session of eight hours to look like the main character.

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The first day, he told the director he couldn’t do it. In Jim’s words, it was like “being buried alive.” Eventually, a man that trained CIA agents to endure torture became Jim’s trainer. What our favorite actors do to entertain us…

Jared Leto played his role- even out of the movie

Jared Leto, who played the role of The Joker in “Suicide Squad,” was not only weird and funny in the movie. Before they started production, he sent Margot Robbie, his colleague, a rat in a box. Well, that wasn’t even the weirdest part.

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While they were rehearsing, Jared tossed a dead pig on a table. Many said he also sent strange and funny gifts to other colleagues before the production. Maybe he was ‘getting into character’- just a little too much, you’ll agree.

Well, it’s better to be safe than sorry

Looking danger in the eye was the ‘norm’ in “Jackass”, but there’s a limit to everything, isn’t there? In the Anaconda Ball Pit, the actor, Johnny Knoxville, wore electric tape on his wrists. The reason was to avoid getting anaconda bites.

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The two Anacondas under the flashy balls were enough reason to take caution. One of them bit Ryan Dunn and almost killed him by wrapping its tail around him. An Anaconda also bit off the calf muscle of a crew member.

Great acting…oh, wait, she isn’t

In “Now You See Me,” Isla Fisher had to be in the water for a magic trick scene. She was to stay in the water for a while and come out with her release chain. Well, it was easier said than done.

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The release chain stuck on her costume, and she couldn’t escape the water. The hilarious part was that her colleagues thought she was acting excellently. They had no idea that she was close to drowning. Thank goodness she lived to tell the story.

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