Want to try Mac and Cheese Ice Cream or Matcha Chocolate? Your Probably Never Knew these Unusual Snack Flavors From Your Favorite Brands Existed

Mountain Dew Flamin’ Hot

Mountain Dew is another carbonated soft-drink brand operated under PepsiCo. The original cloudy citrus-flavored drink made waves and is still sitting comfortably as one of the most consumed carbonated drinks in the world. Yet, like most brands, a need to diversify and create new flavors that can continue to keep their consumers satisfied arose, and they came up with this monster.

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Natural teas and drinks flavored with ginger have a slight heat, but why would anyone create spicy and carbonated drinks? It tastes like a blend of pepper and orange soda. Although the heat isn’t as intense as one might imagine, it just burns at the back of your throat with every sip. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to drink this. 

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