Want to try Mac and Cheese Ice Cream or Matcha Chocolate? Your Probably Never Knew these Unusual Snack Flavors From Your Favorite Brands Existed

Popcorn Flavored Tic Tac

What is happening in the world? Tic Tac is a famous mint brand produced by an Italian company, Ferrero. We’ve seen simple mint flavors, fresh mint, Coca Cola and even fruity flavors, and now popcorn? How do they even think of these flavors? What inspires a mint brand to create popcorn-flavored mints? 

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You know what’s crazy? People love it! It is very unusual, but it tastes exactly how a kernel of popcorn would taste, with a hint of “toastiness” to it. This concept hasn’t been used with other mint companies, so its uniqueness makes it quite exciting for consumers.

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