Adding a puppy to the family is such an exciting time! Puppies smell so good, they’re so clumsy and happy, and just look at those little faces. This can also be an overwhelming time if you’re a first-time puppy parent, or if it’s been a hot minute since you’ve had a puppy around the house. Well have no fear, we’re here to help you out. We’ve compiled a list of our best tips for first-time puppy parents to make this transition a little easier on everyone. Let’s get started.
Invest in Good Quality Equipment
When we say equipment we mean stuff like food and water bowls, a leash, collar, harness, crate, dog bed, you get the jest. It’s going to be a little pricey, but we promise, when it comes to pets, we are firm believers in quality. After all, if you opt for lesser quality items, it’s more likely you’ll have to replace them frequently and you’ll end up paying more in the end. Just trust us on this one.

Baby Gates Are Pretty Much a Necessity Now
If there is an area of your house you don’t want your puppy in unsupervised just yet, a baby gate will save you a lot of stress.
Do Your Research
There are a ton of books, podcasts, and articles out there that will answer all of your in-depth questions regarding a new puppy, and a ton of questions you probably didn’t even think of.
Check For Puppy Training Classes in Your Area
Puppy training courses are especially great for new or first-time pet owners because not only will you learn a lot lecture style, but the courses will be super hands-on and you’ll learn what will and won’t work for you and your new upper.

Prepare and Practice Potty Procedures
Puppies don’t have full control over the bladders for about 12 weeks, so prepare to clean up a few accidents. Although it’s a frustrating task, you’ll also want to start potty training. (Tramadol) This is where the research and puppy courses will come in super handy because you’ll learn tried and true ways of potty training your pup.
Allow Your Puppy To Get Used To Touches
Gently touch your puppy’s paws, tummy, head, give them all the love in these spots so they are not only used to you touching them, but other people, and your vet especially, as well.
Correct Behaviors You Don’t Want To See Early On
Sure, it’s adorable when your puppy is leaping up to get your attention; just remember it’s cute at 10 pounds, but won’t be cute at fifty or sixty pounds. Correct these behaviors early on and there will be no need to break these behaviors later when it is inevitably more difficult. While you’re at it, the same goes for behavior when on a leash; teaching your puppy how to behave on walks will be beneficial in the long run.

Socialize Slowly
It’s super important to get your puppy used to the world around them (humans, cars, toys, kiddos, you name it) but do this slowly so you don’t overwhelm your little guy (or little lady!) And for now, avoid the dog park.
Go For That Good Good Puppy Food
Investing in great puppy food will set your new furry friend up for long and healthy life. Read up on puppy food and be sure to ask your vet what they recommend.
Time Alone
If you’ve got an older dog or cat in the household, make sure they have somewhere to go to get away from the chaos that is a puppy.
Lastly, Take Lots of Photos
Puppies aren’t puppies for very long, you’ll want lots of pictures to remember that sweet little face!