These Summer Job Stories Will Make You Wish You Were Unemployed

For some people, summer is their favorite season because of the warm weather and time spent outside. Thanks to the sus and soft breeze in your hair, you don’t have to think about the frigid winter months. Summer is a great time to do everything you have always wanted, such as surf, skate or attempt a new activity. If you are spending the summer at home, now is a fantastic opportunity to find summer employment. However, others who had summer jobs are not having as much fun. Jimmy Fallon posed a question on Twitter, asking for the worst summer employment experiences. Some stories may make you cringe, feel disgusted, or perhaps grateful that you are not one of these people. These people got the short end of the stick during their summer jobs, from having awful supervisors to tripping up and making blunders. Read on to learn why being unemployed during summer might not seem so bad.

Cleaning motel rooms during a motorcycle rally has to be one nasty job

Being a teenager usually entails applying for jobs that do not require much expertise. And since your summer employment is only for a few months, you do not actually require 4+ years of experience. Leslie did not mind what job she got, but she probably should have. Check out what happened to her.

Image courtesy of loves2hike34

Her job entailed cleaning motel rooms, which was far from glamorous. You can only imagine what it was like for her to be cleaning during the week of a motorcycle rally. A group of sweaty men preparing for a motorbike rally sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Poor Leslie.

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