These People Made Stupid but Common Mistakes That They Will Never Make Again 

Don’t Do Strenuous Exercise After Donating Blood 

After donating blood, doctors usually advise donors not to do strenuous activities. It is also advisable for you not to do vigorous exercise before donation. This is because keeping your body in a rested state will help it replenish the lost fluids. This would, in turn, keep you from feeling lightheaded and dizzy after donating.

Source: Reddit/@SpaceDave83

However, some folks don’t listen to the doctor. This Reddit user decided to take a quick walk to the store after a blood donation. They also decided to help an older woman with a big bag of dog food. While helping the older woman was kind, the consequences could have been far worse. Thankfully they only had to face the embarrassment of waking up to hundred peering faces.

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