These People Made Stupid but Common Mistakes That They Will Never Make Again 

Getting Addicted to Meth

Reading through this list, you probably knew drugs would be talked about. It is estimated that about 500,000 people use meth every week in the US. Also, about 5% of the US adult population has used methamphetamine at least once. So, it is very likely that some people regard taking meth as a mistake they won’t want to repeat.

Source: Reddit/@eventhorizon2093

On a Reddit thread, a user shared how they were addicted to meth with it nearly destroying their life. Thankfully, they found a way out and have stayed clean for three years. It is a big win to get over a methamphetamine addiction because most people can’t get out of it. Some people who get out of the habit also end up relapsing. We hope this person stays clean for the rest of their life.

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