These People Made Stupid but Common Mistakes That They Will Never Make Again 

Using a Clorox Wipe as a Wet Wipe

A Clorox wipe is a wipe used to disinfect hard surfaces. Clorox wipes aren’t meant to be used on the skin. However, despite the warnings, many people still use it for their skin and even on sensitive areas of their bodies. While some of this is ignorance, some people do it thinking it will disinfect the germs on their bodies.

Source: Reddit/@Fizzinja

On a Reddit thread, a user mentioned not using Clorox as a butt wipe as one of the mistakes they won’t make again. The anus is a very sensitive part of the body and should not be cleaned with chemicals. Some of the substances in Clorox can cause mild skin irritations. If your skin is extra sensitive, it could even cause you a trip to the clinic.

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