These Passive-Aggressive Notes Are Painfully Polite And Hilariously Hostile At The Same Time

When someone does something that annoys you, you should be able to tell them directly. However, people often find it hard to deal with confrontation. They prefer to act passive-aggressively until the other person realizes they did something wrong. Some individuals even get as far as writing down clever notes to express their negative feelings and leaving them someplace where everyone can see them. While we also have shown and suffered this kind of behavior ourselves, we acknowledge that certain people have a natural talent for passive-aggressiveness. So, we’ve decided to collect some painfully polite and hilariously hostile notes from neighbors, roommates, and colleagues that are so good you’ll laugh for hours. Sit back and enjoy one hell of a chuckle ride!

This person took the idea of dating cans too literally

Some people prefer to interact with the world through notes. And we can’t blame them. It’s easier to write about your feelings than to put them into words. This person, for example, preferred communicating with their colleagues through a hilarious piece of paper.

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Self-deprecating humor is admirable, and jokes about not being able to build a long-term relationship can help you ease the pain. Still, we don’t know if the original poster may have found the note funny. After all, dealing with wasted products is gross.

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