These Reddit Posts Are A Must Read For Anyone Who Loves Puns, Pranks, and Stupid People

A Lesson Of History

Before the invention and introduction of smartphones, a physical item for looking up numbers existed, known as the phone book. Of course, this still exists in some places, but it is not very popular. It was a paperback book containing different contacts of people in a community or city. These books were common in every home, and people had multiple books. You would need to search manually, like when searching a dictionary.

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According to a flashback, a Redditor drove to a restaurant with their father. The father realized they would need to wait for a table and was curious to know how long that would be. He asked said Redditor to call them using the phonebook to see the wait time. They wrongly heard their father’s request to check the phone number using the phonebook. Instead, the Redditor flung the large book through the window. They could’ve just stopped to get the book back, but the Redditor explained they were going 70 MPH. They have never outlived this incident. The remaining journey must have been awkward. 

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