These Famous Celebrities, Icons, and Historical Figures Were Made Into Look-Alike Barbie Dolls

Barbie is one of the most famous and most sought fashion dolls in the world. Recently, Barbie has evolved and created different dolls of your favorite icons and celebrities, including Beyoncé! Many think that celebrity Barbie dolls are only exclusive to females, but even male celebrities and famous figures have had dolls made of them. The iconic fashion doll brand has developed a plan for diversity and inclusion that may seem controversial but is important to address in this evolving world. Petite, Tall, and Curvy Barbie dolls in all skin tones have now hit the market, and we couldn’t be happier! This piece will bring you only the best celebrity look-alike Barbie dolls you’ll ever see. The attention to detail is outstanding, and I’m sure you’ll love it!

Zendaya Barbie

While growing up, many young girls were captivated by the Disney star Zendaya Coleman. She is not only an excellent actress but a model, singer, and dancer, a skill she displayed amazingly on “Shake It Up.” She was honored with her own official Barbie doll, which showed the world that Barbie is for everyone, regardless of skin tone or hair.

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Her Barbie doll was modeled after her 2015 Oscar appearance. People were stunned by the attention to even the tiniest details. Her dreads were replicated to perfection, and even the ruching on her dress came out exactly as Zendaya wore it. Kudos to Barbie for this one! They outdid themselves!

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