The Music, Fashion, and People of the 80s Were Iconic: Anyone Would Agree This is Why the 80s Were Much Cooler than Today

Home Discipline

Kids these days have it very easy; they are not beaten, they are not whipped — for many of them, the most extreme discipline they are subjected to is that they’re grounded and have their toys and gadgets taken from them, and even at that, they’d whine and nag about how unfair they’re being treated. 

Source: instagram

These kids are lucky they didn’t live through the 80s. My father would use his belt to whip some sense into my head, and I was not even allowed to cry longer than necessary! And this is not peculiar to me. I believe that many of us that grew up in the 80s turned out okay because we were disciplined thoroughly — something which is, unfortunately, lacking in many homes today.

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