No Child Should be Subjected to these Hilarious and Creepy Knock-Off Toys That Aren’t Quite Right

Knight Rider Becames Robert- They couldn’t even make the name grammatically correct

This is another hilarious toy. You can buy this toy if you want something to laugh at when you look at it. The name on the package says “Knight Rider Becames Robert.” We don’t know if the person who named it was trying to tell the world a sad story about a knight becoming Robert. Becoming “a Robert” must have been a bad experience for this poor knight. 

SOURCE: Metaweb / CC-BY

After thinking hard enough, we realized that “Robert” was meant to be “Robot.” So, the correct caption would have read “Knight Rider Becomes Robot.” It still doesn’t make a lot of sense. These bootleg manufacturers will benefit from taking some English classes.

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