Jimmy Fallon’s Fans Share Some Awkward Stories

Imagine having Christmas dinner with your whole family. The only night of the year where every member sits at the same table. You must be most alert in such a moment because you can’t tell what people may come up with. For example, last year, some little brother asked his older sister if she was expecting a baby, throwing shade at her for putting on a few pounds. Everyone laughed. Of course, there are many stories like this one. Luckily, Jimmy Fallon asked his fans to share some of theirs. In most cases, a relative or a friend made fun of them, so you can rest assured no one was hurt —too much— in the process. Let’s look at over fifty tweets that share stories of offensive remarks that made people upset in real-time, but reading them will make you smile and thank the universe that they were not aimed at you.

courtesy of traveledorr.com

After having trained for six years, Jimmy was congratulated on just starting

If you work in show business, you may feel pressured to keep in shape. After all, people say that the camera adds around ten pounds. Then, it is no surprise that Jimmy Fallon has been going to the gym for six years.

courtesy of twitter.com/jimmyfallon

Somebody should tell that to people at Jimmy’s gym. They thought he had just started there! This story inspired the hashtag #ThatWasCold and gave birth to this Twitter thread of shameful anecdotes.

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