Birkenstocks are the comfiest shoes ever, they look great with everything, and if you’re like us, then you live in yours. And yes, we are proud to say we pair ours with socks in the winter. Whether you like the classic two-strap, tri-strap, or you’re more of a potato shoe kinda person, we can probably all agree that Birks are too much of an investment to just not care for. After all, we need them for years to come because there is nothing quite like a distressed pair of Birks. We put together a few tips and tricks to ensure you and your Birks will grow old together!
(image via: birkenstock)
First things first, keep ‘em outta the heat. Extreme heat, that is. Cork footbeds and EVA soles can become damaged when exposed to extreme heat, so be careful around campfires, and fireplaces, and even leaving them in direct sunlight for too long.
Take the time to regularly wipe out your shoes. You can do this easily with just a damp cloth every few weeks to get out any dirt and/or small pieces of grass that may be trapped in there.
Be careful around water. If you find yourself wearing these while you (or just your feet) are submerged in water, you may want to invest in the line that is very specifically water-friendly; otherwise, too much water will exposure will begin to alter the look of your Birks.
If you have Birks of the suede variety, getting a suede brush will make keeping your Birks clean a breeze. All you have to do is gently brush in the direction of the grain to loosen up any dust and/or dirt that may be in there. If your suede kicks have any scuffs, a suede eraser will take those right out as well!
(image via: birkenstok)
Dry cork? No problem-o! Birkenstock makes a Birkenstock Cork Sealer to protect that part of your shoe. (valium) You can also purchase Birkenstock Water and Rain Repellant as well as Birkenstock Cleaner and Refresher.
Oil spots are more common than you might think and if you find yourself the victim of one, then you can simply apply cornstarch to the stain, let it sit for a few hours to absorb it, then brush it off to remove the stain completely. スロット、ポーカー、テーブルゲームなど、エキサイティングなエンターテイメントの世界が待っている オンラインカジノおすすめ でギャンブルを楽しんで、忘れられない賞金を受け取ってください。新しいプレイヤーボーナスと定期的なプロモーションは、ゲーム体験をよりエキサイティングにします。今すぐ参加して、エキサイティングなギャンブルの世界に陥りましょう!私たちはさまざまなカテゴリのゲームを提供しているので、誰でも自分の好みに合ったゲームを見つけることができます。スロットが好きではないですか?ポーカーやブラックジャックを好むこともできます。あるいは、ルーレットやバカラのような新しいエキサイティングなゲームを探しています。どんなゲームを好んでも、楽しさと大きな勝利のためのさまざまなオプションが用意されています。
If you have a really deep stain and nothing is working, give just a little bit of white vinegar a try. Dampen a cloth, then rub it gently across the stain. Make sure to avoid scrubbing, then set your shoes aside to allow them to dry, once they’re dry, give them a brush, and with any luck, your stain will be gone!