Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: 7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Alice Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States once said: “I can do one of two things. I can be President of the United States or I can control Alice Roosevelt. I cannot possibly do both.” And since we know what he chose to do, we can imagine what daughter Alice Roosevelt then chose to do. Today we’re looking at some of the crazy, outlandish, and downright wild things Alice Roosevelt was said to have done while her father ran the country. Let’s get started! 

(image via: potus geeks

Have you ever threatened your parents, then got your way? Yeah, it wouldn’t have worked for us either, but hey, maybe when your dad is the governor of New York and you give no you-know-whats, things are different. At least they were for Alice. At the young age of only 15, Alice was such a troublemaker that her parents told her they were planning on sending her to a conservative, tight-laced, discipline-oriented school in the city. Alice’s response? “If you send me I will humiliate you. I will do something that will shame you. I tell you I will.” And it worked. 

Alice’s younger half-sister Ethel said the rest of her viewed Alice as, “a hellion…capable of doing almost anything to anyone at any time.” To be honest, we don’t hate the power this woman had over her family, and while we don’t recommend these vibes, we do respect them because we love a fearless woman. She gives us Beth Dutton. 

Like most teens, Alice was never one to shy away from pushing the limits. So when her father told her she was forbidden to smoke cigarettes “under his roof”, she simply got on top of the roof of the White House for a smoke. 

If you’ve ever heard the song ‘Alice Blue Gown’, you should know that it was Alice Roosevelt who first appeared in the color in 1901. This nameless gray-blue became so popular after she debuted it, that it then became known as ‘Alice Blue’. 

(image via: streisand style files

As you can imagine, Alice Roosevelt’s wedding was huge, one of the biggest events in White House history, in fact. So, we can imagine the widespread hysteria among the thousand guests indoors, as well as the crowd gathered outside when Alice grabbed a sword to cut her wedding cake with. 

Have you ever heard the saying: “If you haven’t got anything good to say about anybody, come sit next to me.”? Take a wild guess at who claimed this as their catchphrase. 

Alice was banned from the White House by Roosevelt’s successor after she reportedly buried a voodoo doll of his wife in the lawn. Then she was banned from the White House by Woodrow Wilson after telling a dirty joke about him in public. 

There is a lot more to talk about when it comes to Alice Roosevelt, but we’ll let you process this one. Let us know which wild child of the White House you want to hear about next!

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