Do You Have Trouble Doing That Thing on Vacation? We’re Here to Help.

Whether you travel a little or a lot, there’s a really good chance you’ve experienced some, err, travel constipation. And maybe you’re a bigger person than we, but it totally ruins our trip. Stomach pain, bloating, that constant feeling of being full, all of these things can really kill your vacay vibes. With it being summertime, we figured we could put together a few tips for uhm, taking care of this little issue so you can enjoy your vacation to the hilt. (  

(image via: istock

So why do we get constipated while traveling? The fact of the matter is, that any little change can throw off your GI tract, but here are a few common issues we face while on vacation: 

  • Not eating enough fiber. 
  • Not drinking enough water. 
  • Schedule changes. 
  • Not moving around enough. 
  • Simply knowing you don’t have bathroom access like you would at home. 

So what can you do to avoid constipation while traveling? We promise traveling and regularity can go hand in hand. 

When you stop for snacks or hit the continental breakfast at your hotel, look for foods that are rich in fiber. Fresh or dried fruit, nuts, berries, or popcorn are all great options that can be found just about anywhere, even Starbucks! Just make sure not to eat too much fiber. 

Make sure you’re drinking water. We get it, water isn’t a super fun vacation beverage, but it’s good for digestion and keeps things flowing smoothly, so just make sure you’re drinking water before you start on the fun beverages. (And we’re sorry to say, but you should also limit your fun drinks!) 

(image via: very well health

Move your body. Vacations tend to involve a lot of sitting whether it’s in the car or on a plane, so make sure you’re going for a little walk or even hitting the gym at your hotel to keep things moving. 

Try to stick to your usual eating schedule. Remember how we said schedule changes can affect your GI tract? Now, we don’t mean that when you’re in the middle of something on your vacation you should stop everything and eat right then and there, but if you typically eat dinner around 7 PM, we don’t recommend holding off dinner until 9 PM or later. 
Give yourself time. In the bathroom, that is. Sometimes these things take time and while on vacation you may feel rushed and this is bad news when it comes to trying to, well, you know. So make sure you’re giving yourself enough time for things to happen.

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